Level II : The Energetics of Creativity™
The body’s energy field is designed to manifest your creative potential–provided you know how to use it. Tami Lynn Kent created this new class to teach energy-sensing tools for your personal life or working with clients to cultivate creative capacity, shift from patterns of scarcity to abundance, and follow the inspiration of an inner creative flow.
This workshop distills Tami’s experience of working with many thousands of women in the pelvic bowl as a women’s health physical therapist and expands this work to reading the energy of the creative field. Tami will share what she has learned in harnessing the creative potential and refining essential patterns at this place where energy finds a physical form and our creations take shape.
Join this Level II advanced energy medicine class to learn these ground-breaking energy tools for transforming the unconscious energy patterns that otherwise continue to inform the boundaries of creative capacity . This class is the framework within the book, Wild Creative, for honing the energy field of the body to more intentionally shape the physical forms of your life. This class teaches advanced energy medicine for working with clients, but also offers personal skills for working with creative blocks, utilizing creative rhythms, and upgrading your energy imprints to expand your core potential and truly embody a soul-filled life.
Topics will include:
- 5energetic anatomy of the creative field that is imprinted in the womb
- 5ways to work with and upgrade core creative patterns
- 5creativity as an energy current that can be cultivated
- 5practical energy medicine for daily living
- 55 aspects of a creative rhythm to address blocks and find dynamic flow
- 5resetting the personal birth field to download full potential as medicine & inspiration
- 5the framework within Wild Creative to cultivate the dream seeds of your life
- 57 detailed energy attunements honed from years of working with the creative blueprint of the womb portal
Online Course AvailableIn-person 2025 classes: Nashville, TN April 6, 2025. Portland, Oregon April 25, 2025. Gold Coast, Australia September 22, 2025.
Level II: $900 (online + in-person) or 2 payments of $650 online & $300 in-person
Level I + Level II: $2900 (online + in-person) (package savings $250)
Please fill out the form below. The online course is required in order to officially reserve your space for the in-person course.
Can I take Level II without taking Level I?
Level I is the prerequisite for taking Level II because of the foundational energy information contained in Level I. However, you can sign up for the online portion of Level II after taking the online Level I but prior to attending an in-person class.
Are Level 2 teachings purely energy medicine tools?
Yes, Level II contains instruction in the advanced energy skills that build on the knowledge of Level I and addresses the energy of the body’s whole creative energy field.

This course is offered as a combination of online and in-person format. The online course is self-paced and includes recorded lecture plus the course manual and hand-outs as a prerequisite to the in-person portion. Once you’ve signed on to the online course you can reserve a place in an In-Person Class.