Mothering the Sacred Masculine

Creativity, Family, Spirit, Uncategorized

Here I am, mother of boys, keeping watch on these two little specks in the distance as they joyfully throw themselves in the waves. I was talking with my friend boyswater2photo-300x300-2about the unique place a mother of sons has in making the future men of the world. I thought of all she’s done as a woman and mother that has created thousands of beneficial imprints for her son, and the man he’s becoming. I felt great hope for the future in this one mothering piece that largely goes unnoticed, except for by other mothers like me. I know what she’s given and how it matters greatly. And then so many other great mothers of sons came to mind. I thought of these mothers and their sons as I watched these boys in the ocean. Such peace and happiness I felt knowing so many mothers are there keeping watch, channeling the sacred if their own way, blessing the men of the future.


Wild Feminine Artwork
Tami Lynn Kent offering Holistic Pelvic Care™ Sessions


With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis.

Portrait of Tami Lynn Kent dancing


Study with Tami to learn the profound medicine of the female energy system by working at the energy/body interface of the pelvic bowl and creative core.

Close-up of woman reading Tami Lynn Kent's published books on women's health, creativity, and pelvic care


Order your copies of Tami's Books: Wild Feminine, Wild Creative, or Wild Mothering now!