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With an ability to read the more subtle energetic layers of the creative field, Tami shares the personal information from your body/energy session that can help you gain greater access to your creative essence.
In her private practice as a women’s health physical therapist, Tami has pioneered a holistic approach to pelvic care that arises from her ability to listen respectfully and work authentically with the women she serves. Using a gentle intervaginal massage technique combined with restorative breathwork tools, Tami realigns your pelvis physically and energetically. This process, for all stages of a woman’s life, enhances the flow of pelvic organ energy.
With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis. It supports core vitality and holistic well-being that should be the basis of every woman’s health care. Also, with an ability to read the more subtle energetic layers of the creative field, Tami shares the personal information from your body/energy session that can help you gain greater access to your creative essence & body wisdom.
After 24 years of practice with thousands of women, Tami has refined this treatment into 2-4 sessions (as needed and depending on your body/desires). Pricing for sessions is listed below and a valuable investment in your female & creative health. A recent client, J. Emmerson said, “I accomplished more results with Tami in one session than in three months of twice weekly appointments with another physical therapist.” Due to demand, it can take time to get in to see Tami. If you need more immediate assistance, please see the additional resources page. If you have a history of trauma, please establish a current relationship with a counselor.
Tami’s practice is based in Portland, Oregon. Her office is located on east Burnside, on the second floor of a lime colored turn-of-the-century house with a coffee shop in front. She doesn’t work with insurance, but can provide a coded invoice that may or may not be reimbursed.

Fees & Approximate Times
1 hr initial session + 30 min follow-up. Fee due at first session (check/credit card).
25-30 min
75 min
55 Minute Initial Session
45 Minute Follow-Up Session
30 Minute Shamanic Session

Appointment Logistics
How many visits are recommended?
Some clients receive treatment for an extended period and others just for a few visits. Length of treatment depends on the extent of a woman’s symptoms and how long she has been having them. Three sessions are recommended to restore basic pelvic balance.
How can I schedule an appointment?
Please complete the appointment request form or call Tami at 503-232-0547. The first visit is one hour. The initial follow-up is approx 30 minutes, and any additional follow-up visits are generally 20-30 minutes in length as your body finds the alignment more readily.
What is the cost of an appointment?
Rates are $365 for the initial package of 2 visits (initial one hour + 30 min follow-up). Having two sessions allows for the initial alignment process and a follow-up fine tuning. Some women only need two sessions and some may need 2-3 more to continue cultivating core physical and energetic alignment. Some women also want more time for healing and realigning. Any additional follow-ups can be added for $160 (20-30 min sessions as needed). When a client returns for care within 1 years time from previous sessions, then a mini-eval is done ($195), and if more time is passed then the 2 session package is scheduled because the body needs that time and focused care in order to restore alignment.
How is payment accepted?
Payment is due by credit card or cash at the first session. Tami’s practice is made simple and affordable by not billing insurance, but she offers a receipt with insurance codes that may be submitted for reimbursement. To verify coverage, ask your insurer about coverage for a “non-preferred” provider, which is usually a percentage of the overall fee.
What if I’m menstruating during the time of my appointment?
Women are welcome to receive HPC at any point in their cycle. A woman’s bleeding time can actually assist the hands-on work because the body is ready to shed old patterns.
Is it possible to schedule a session outside of the Portland area?
Yes. Tami typically schedules 1 or 2 extended visits (75 minutes-$265) when clients travel from out of the area to receive care.

Holistic Pelvic Care (HPC) Information
What is Holistic Pelvic Care™?
Holistic Pelvic Care™ is a combination of physical and energetic tools developed by Tami Kent, M.S. Physical Therapy, and designed to assess and then restore balance to the pelvic space of the female body. Holistic Pelvic Care is for women of all ages to address pelvic symptoms or enhance general wellness. These techniques were pioneered by Tami based on extensive experience as a women’s health physical therapist.
What can I expect in a Holistic Pelvic Care™ session?
In the first session, pelvic anatomy is introduced with a skeletal model. Then a woman’s pelvic muscles are assessed intervaginally. Tami determines where muscles are actively engaging and where they are not during a pelvic squeeze or “Kegel” exercise, making note of internal pelvic trigger points and tension patterns. The assessment is followed by treatment to balance the pelvis through such techniques as intervaginal massage with myofascial release and trigger point work as well as breathwork and visualization tools to assist core physical and energetic balance. Follow-up sessions begin with a brief re-assessment and then focus primarily on treatment.
What effects will I notice after a HPC session?
Women describe immediate effects of a new internal awareness and sense of well-being in the core. The pelvis serves a woman in many ways and yet receives little direct care. Women also describe feeling more relaxed and centered, a greater sense of support, and increased strength in their pelvic muscles. On a clinical level, the internal massage increases blood and energy flow, revitalizing a woman’s root and enhancing her overall pelvic health.
Is pelvic massage painful?
The pelvic massage is gentle and respectful, following the lead of the body. It should never hurt and the response of a woman’s body guides the depth and direction of the hands-on work. Though HPC is gentle, the effects are profound and women often notice a change with even one session.
What types of pelvic symptoms may be addressed by pelvic care?
Any pelvic imbalance is addressed by hands-on pelvic care: urinary leakage, uterine prolapse, pelvic heaviness or instability, pelvic muscle weakness, pelvic pain, and pain with intercourse. Women have also sought treatment (in conjunction with a counselor) to recover their body from sexual abuse. Additionally, women have received pelvic work while receiving other treatments such as for fertility or cancer support.
Do I need to have pelvic symptoms to benefit from pelvic care?
Whether you are suffering from pelvic symptoms or simply want to connect more deeply with your root, Holistic Pelvic Care™ is essential for your feminine vitality. Women also benefit from receiving annual pelvic tune-ups as a part of their general wellness plan or when preparing for pregnancy.

Birth Events
What if I’m pregnant?
Internal pelvic work is not done during pregancy, but visualization and energetic tools assist pelvic connection and balance during pregnancy as preparation for childbirth.
When should I come in after childbirth?
The process of healing after childbirth is greatly assisted by HPC, and any imbalances that may have occurred during pregnancy or birth can be addressed early on. Six weeks post-partum is the time to begin. Likewise, any trauma that occurred during the birth process is assisted by bodywork on the pelvis. Women describe feeling more peaceful even with one treatment session, easing their transition to motherhood. If a woman is struggling after a traumatic birth experience, external hands-on work can also be initiated immediately to calm her post-partum body and spirit.
What if I have a Caesarean birth?
A Caesarean birth will benefit from HPC as well, with fascial work directly to the Caesarean mark and internal work to address the imbalances caused by any prolonged vaginal birth attempt. Again, if there is any disappointment that arises from a Caesarean, bodywork lightens this effect and allows the mother to process the birth event.
What does HPC offer for a miscarriage?
Tami has worked with many women after pregnancy and birth loss and personally experienced a miscarriage. HPC is profoundly comforting to the body and restores a tangible sense of hope in the root. Women describe feeling reconnected to their bodies and also more aware of the spirit that touched their womb.
What support is available when a woman is experiencing infertility?
Hands-on pelvic care provides gentle nourishment to the womb space during a time that can otherwise create a barrier of frustration and grief between a woman and her body. Women describe a greater sense of well-being and renewed trust in their own creative center.

Book an In Person Session
Please only fill out the form if you are ready to make an appointment with Tami. Due to high demand, please be patient.

With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis.
Study with Tami to learn the profound medicine of the female energy system by working at the energy/body interface of the pelvic bowl and creative core.