Book cover of Wild Creative by Tami Lynn Kent
Wild Mothering by Tami Kent
Book cover of Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent
Wild Mothering by Tami Lynn Kent

“Great hope for…all things precious to the female body.”

Ina May Gaskin

Wild Mothering

Finding Power, Spirit, and Joy in Birth and a Creative Motherhood

Newly released! Building on themes from Wild Feminine, Wild Mothering contains ground-breaking energy medicine and holistic tools to support the whole creative journey from conception and pregnancy, to birth and mothering on the long path and making medicine with the inevitable challenges. Through stories and energy visualizations, it teaches you how to access the power of birth energy to heal from a difficult birth event (or even birth loss) and recover the birth flow meant to always run between you and your child. Originally released as Mothering from Your Center, this book shares Tami’s essential women’s medicine for pelvic healing from birth, restoring root vitality & accessing the beauty of your center for the process of mothering over time. This new version (now with the original name and gorgeous cover) is updated with diagrams of the birth energy field, two additional chapters and the distilled wisdom of the elder mother for daily life on the wild mothering journey.

Book Club

Tami curated a live recording Wild Mothering book club highlighting tools and themes of each chapter. Purchase this series here:


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Video cover of Wild Creative by Tami Lynn Kent

“Wildly alive and deeply fulfilling.”

Donna Eden

Wild Creative

Igniting Your Passion and Potential in Work, Home, and Life

Life as art. Moving from the realm of the physical body into the body of making a life, Tami invites readers on a journey into the creative energy field—this place between spirit and body where the energy to manifest our dreams resides. Any profound creation—a child, a piece of art, a profession, a relationship—is infused first with the energy of what is not yet formed. We draw inspiration from this energy field and shape it into a visible manifestation. In Wild Creative, Tami shows you how to tap into your creative center and access the natural, sustaining energy that is inherently yours. Tami wrote this book with her sons in mind as well–this work has relevance for males too since we all gestate in the female body. Through stories, visualizations, and other creative exercises, Wild Creative reveals groundbreaking tools for realigning the creative field and actively designing your life. Using the energy of the wild landscape within, discover your own creative genius for igniting true passion and potential.

Book Club

Tami curated a live recording Wild Creative book club highlighting tools and themes of each chapter. Purchase this series here:


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Wild Feminine

Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body

2012 Nautilus Silver Award Winner. In her book, Wild Feminine, Tami invites every woman to journey deep into the heart of her female body, to her root place, and the root of all womanhood. Through stories, visualizations, and creative exercises, the wisdom arising from the female body has been distilled into this guide for exploring the feminine nature.

Tami draws from her experiences with the physical body and female energy system to provide a framework for navigating the various realms of the feminine. Traveling the terrain of feminine landscape, Tami reveals the amazing potential of the female body: a potential to create, to heal, and to transform the energy that infuses a woman’s everyday life.

Book Club

Tami curated a live recording Wild Feminine book club highlighting tools and themes of each chapter. Purchase this series here:


Order the print copy of Wild Feminine here:

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Purchase the Wild Feminine audio book here:

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Video cover of Wild Feminine Book by Tami Lynn Kent

“Wild Feminine is the medicine that we all need to bodily reclaim the power and pleasure that are our birthrights.”

Christiane Northrup, MD

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