What do you hold in your bowl? The female body is powerful: what we hold in our center we manifest in our lives. What we hold in our center, we see reflected in the world. When a woman struggles, whether in regards to her relationships, her career, or her own sense of...
the Blog
Powell’s Books Guest Blog by Tami
If joy can be distilled into moments, one of them for me was reading last spring the words of Wild Feminine at Portland's Powell’s Books with two of my sons in the front row of a full and receptive audience. Powell’s is one of their favorite places and I was reading...
Tami Kent Coast Radio Interview
Tami Kent Coast Radio Interview With no television in our home, radio is a cherished way of connecting to the world. Listening to NPR’s Terry Gross give an interview is it’s own form of poetry. In July, I was interviewed by Carol Newman on Coast Commmunity Radio in...

With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis.
Study with Tami to learn the profound medicine of the female energy system by working at the energy/body interface of the pelvic bowl and creative core.