From Spirit to Body: Bringing in the Feminine

Family, Feminine, Spirit

In our mother’s womb we transform from spirit to body; we embody our sacred energy. I discovered this potential while pregnant with my second son, after a very mystical experience with miscarriage. I felt the energy of this new pregnancy coming to me from a far away place. If it weren’t for my miscarriage, which had taught me that the female body is the doorway where we come in, I might have missed this miracle occurring in my center. And still it was my body that helped me tune in.

I was busy rushing about my daily activities, and the early pregnancy nausea increased. Instead of pushing through the discomfort, I felt guided to lay down and open myself to receive the energy of my baby. As I relaxed my body and focused on receiving, my energy field softened and I could feel his spirit energy beaming in from a distant star. Though nausea often accompanies the early pregnancy period, it is also a sign to clear the tension in the body and the energy field that might block the transmission of spirit energy.

In the same way, we are preparing for a transmission of energy into our world as we complete the last phase of a 26,000 year cycle recorded by the Maya calendar. This last phase began this spring and will finish on December 21, 2012. The cosmic bodies will align at this time, opening a portal to transmit new energy potentials and initiate a rebirth of consciousness. Some of the present day challenges represent the work that is required to transform ourselves. To receive this new energy in your life, begin now to tune into your center and realign from there. Clear the tension patterns on all levels and open to receive the blessings of this cosmic conception and rebirth.

Wild Feminine blessing: May we all remember our sacred beginnings and bring this light in to transform our lives.


Wild Feminine Artwork
Tami Lynn Kent offering Holistic Pelvic Care™ Sessions


With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis.

Portrait of Tami Lynn Kent dancing


Study with Tami to learn the profound medicine of the female energy system by working at the energy/body interface of the pelvic bowl and creative core.

Close-up of woman reading Tami Lynn Kent's published books on women's health, creativity, and pelvic care


Order your copies of Tami's Books: Wild Feminine, Wild Creative, or Wild Mothering now!