Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent Logo

hello, i'mTami Lynn Kent,

the founder of Holistic Pelvic Care™

I guide women in activating the energy of their bodies and reclaiming the wild in themselves.
Understanding the creative essence within your own center
is the key for giving life to your dreams.

Wild Feminine Flowers
Book cover of Wild Creative by Tami Lynn Kent, featuring colorful artistic elements
Book cover of Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent, showcasing vibrant floral design
Wild Mothering by Tami Kent
Portrait of Tami Lynn Kent, Holistic Pelvic Care™ Founder, and Women's Health Expert

book yourSession

With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis. It supports core vitality and holistic well-being that should be the basis of every woman’s health care.

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start aCourse

Study with Tami to learn the profound medicine of the female energy system by working at the energy/body interface of the pelvic bowl and creative core.

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Portrait of Tami Lynn Kent, Holistic Pelvic Care™ Founder, and Women's Health Expert dancing

“This class is equal parts class and ceremony. Thank you Tami for evoking the great feminine spirit in each of us.”

Maria M.

HPC Provider

Holistic Pelvic Care™, pioneered by Tami Lynn Kent, physically and energetically realigns the pelvic bowl to enhance creative potential and pelvic vitality, as well as addresses post-partum care, birth and other root traumas, pelvic pain, and healing for miscarriage. Tami’s bodywork practice utilizes a gentle intervaginal fascial massage technique and restorative breath work tools to enhance the flow of pelvic organ energy. This unique approach was the first pelvic care method to upgrade core energy patterns and support optimal female health using the natural medicine of the pelvic bowl.

Wild Feminine Artwork
Tami Lynn Kent offering Holistic Pelvic Care™ Sessions


With the unique practice of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Tami offers a profound physical/energetic alignment for your pelvis.

Portrait of Tami Lynn Kent dancing


Study with Tami to learn the profound medicine of the female energy system by working at the energy/body interface of the pelvic bowl and creative core.

Close-up of woman reading Tami Lynn Kent's published books on women's health, creativity, and pelvic care


Order your copies of Tami's Books: Wild Feminine, Wild Creative, or Wild Mothering now!